Sunday, September 28, 2008


Lisa and I have finally agreed (you'd think there would be a term like prenuptial or something) that we should use the same blog. For this, we've moving to Hopefully we're agree on a non-frilly yet "cute" blog. This is my last post from here. Oh...and those following this blog, please move your following to the new blog, links from your blogs/sites, and references in Google Reader. If you go to, under basic settings, you can import and export blogs that made this really easy.

Thanks for reading and commenting - it makes me feel great!

Cardboard Forts

We've been living the life of cardboard houses lately. Well, at least the kids. We saved the cardboard boxes from the playground equipment and have been forgetting about them downstairs in the basement. Here are a few fun shots.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Our Favorite Things

There are always a few things that are standard for our family. One is our love of Wheeler Farm and feeding the ducks (and the kids running away from the geese).

Natalie enjoying showing off her legs are strong enough to stand.

Tanner's four pieces of bread (to give to the ducks) went straight in his mouth.

Evidence of Lisa's yummy cookies we took to the farm.

Tanner and his buddy Grandpa.

Happy customers.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sydney's Photo Studio

For Christmas last year we got Sydney a Fisher Price camera. For several months she enjoyed it, until Lisa made the full adjustment from our point and shoot to her digital SLR. Now, Sydney, photographer extraordinaire, is really enjoying making photography fun. From not covering the lens with your finger, getting the object in the viewer, centering it in the viewer, she has really become better at taking pictures. Here are a few from the last time we emptied the camera (of 400+ pictures). Here's some of my favorites if you're looking to use Sydney's Photo Studio:

Any good photographer enjoys self portraits.

Invididual Shots.

Family or group shots.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stake Conference

Stake Conference was great! The general session Lisa and I have a harder time getting stuff out of as Sydney and the twins take up a lot of our attention. However, last night the Priesthood leadership and the adult session (thanks Mom and Dad for watching the kids) was awesome! I really have a great love and respect for President Smith. He has a way of reproving with sharpness with love following thereafter. He makes you want to change and to be happy with the prospect of doing so, regardless of what difficulties it may require. Anyway, President Smith shared a story in today's general session about these spiders that can breath underwater by taking air with them down. The link points to National Geographic that calls these the equivalent of scuba tanks. The purpose of the story was to help us understand when we leave our home and enter in the world, we can take our environment with us.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Divine Institution of Marriage

If you haven't read it yet, it's a must. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints released a document called The Divine Institution of Marriage. Despite your beliefs or feelings on the subject of same-sex marriage, it serves you best (including members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) to read this.

I appreciate their love and kindness in treating this delicate issue and those involved with deep, personal feelings with such respect. The intent is not to deny privileges of housing, insurance, etc., but to respect the sacred nature of marriage between a man and a woman.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Google Reader

For some reason, I feel I've already posted about this, as I love to tell everyone about this tool, as it saves so much time. Everyone checks several blogs, news sites, etc. as frequently as several times a day. Why check them if there is no new content? Or better yet, why not have a tool tell you when there's new content? For fear you think the tool is too hard to use, someone made a video trying to convince friends and family how easy it is to use, and how helpful it is. Since it's web-based, you can access it anywhere. Watch this movie, then thank me later. Once you're wise and knowledgable about Google Reader, add and so as not to miss anymore enjoyment :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Guru of all sorts

So I was updating my hiking/backpacking blog yesterday when I realized I needed a cool logo at the top. I thought I could just whip up something in Photoshop. Then, after fifteen minutes or so, I asked Lisa if she could help. Sure enough, the guru of all sorts helps me with feather, font shadowing, etc. I don't know how you can know so much about so many different things. She can do much better than what I did, but I'm glad for the help learning.

Thanks, and love you Bean!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Funniest jokes in a long time

So as much as I don't like forwarding anything to anyone, I just had to post these. My friend sent me these:


1. If you are choking on an ice cube simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. The blockage will instantly remove itself.

2. Avoid cutting yourself slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold while you chop.

3. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.

4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer.

5. A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you will be afraid to cough.

7. You only need two tools in life - WD40 and Duct Tape.
If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.

8. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

Thought for the day:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day fun

On Monday, we had mom and dad out for fun and dinner before they needed to head back to babysit for Matt and Ann. When the doorbell rang, Sydney yells "Grannnnnnndpa!" They're so great with the kids, they love them so much. Lisa made some really great hamburgers and Mom brought her world-class sweet rolls. We had such a great time. We love you so much! Here are some pictures.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Four Must See Pictures

After going to a wedding reception downtown, we went for a walk around Temple Square and took pictures. The first picture is unedited, the individual shots are Lisa's work. With characters like this, how can you want to play with anyone else?

Currently Lisa's laptop wallpaper. Makes me laugh and smile every time. The faces say everything.

Sydney is awesome. She's obedient, loving, a cutie, such a little Lisa, a wonderful future mom. She has her moments, but when she starts the demo song on our digital piano that she always wants to dance with me to, I just melt. She knows when I'm sad and she knows what she can do to make me feel better. I don't know how to compliment her better.

Tanner...what a ham. He's hilarious, loving, knows how to make you laugh, and just a handsome devil. He pretends he can be on his own and take care of himself, but always needs a good hug or snuggle. He gets all the attention from the ladies and he's only 15 months. 15 months!

Natalie's a spitfire. She might look small, but has non-so-silent power. She has class-clown written all over her face. She knows she's cute and learns daily how to better acquire what she wants. Sometimes that's being hilarious, being in the way, or sometimes using her super power (not taking naps). However, you can see her loving nature by how she loves her puppy (stuffed animal). Since she doesn't walk yet, she squeezes her puppy in-between her legs to take her with him crawling.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Here's what happened...

You've got to love it. The tv show Monk (on USA) is just plain hilarious. If you haven't seen it, you need to. If you have, check out this wiki on Monk. You'll find your favorite episodes recapped with great quotes. You'll even find that your vocabulary and phrases have changed to be like Monk. Just this morning over the phone, my father-in-law was saying "here's what happened...". Lisa and I have been catching up on the current season on demand. Laughter makes everything better.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Minions...I Mean Followers

I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders who reads their blog. Sure counters, maps, etc. are fun, but Blogger has come up with a really cool thing called Followers. For the blogs you follow you can add yourself using your blogger name/image, or choose to follow anonymously. The fun thing about this is you can see all the cool people that think your blog is cool, click on them to see their profile/blogs, etc. When you log into your dashboard you can see your current followers count.

Anyway...if you haven't got the hint, click the "Follow this blog" on my sidebar. It will add it to your Google Reader (VERY cool), etc. You can even follow blogs that aren't on blogspot/blogger.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lack of experience

There's nothing more harmful to Obama's presidential run than the comments members of his own party, his selection for vice president, and himself. To take Biden as v.p. for his foreign policy and long experience, they should have had him as president, as it's not something you learn on the job, or are able to sit down with a committee or have a meeting in critical times. Economic woes, I'm all for having the brightest minds coming up with solutions over time. Watch this video:

Meetinghouse locator

So you've seen the church's meetinghouse locator. You put in your address and it tells you where the closest one is. They've now stepped it up a notch. If you put in your address (or if you're on vacation, a general vicinity of where you'll be staying, it will let you choose to use either Google Maps or Microsoft Virtual Earth (2d/3d beta) to locate all meeting houses nearby (street, satellite, hybrid views), tell you what the ward names are, and what time they're meeting. I don't know about you, but walking into an unfamiliar ward on vacation or just after moving, it's nice to say "I'm trying to attend the _____ ward, that starts at ____.", it'd make me more comfortable.

Check it out.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama on Iraq

Wow. I was reading about Obama choosing Biden as his VP, and came across this video. It's longer, but it's amazing how honesty doesn't mean much to him. Check this out:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What are your four?

Responding to Okie's blog.

Copy the questions and then answer with your lists of "four"...either reply in comments to this post or on your own blog and link to it in comments.

A) Four Family members: Lisa, Sydney, Tanner, Natalie
B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly): Coworkers, Lisa, Facebook, Nick Galieti
C) Four of my favorite places to eat: Macaroni Grill, Chubby's, Rodizio Grill, Carl's Jr.
D) Four places I would rather be right now: Kauai, Paris, hiking with the family, gazing at the universe
E) Four people I think will respond: Lisa, Mo, Wende, Jenny
F) Four TV shows I watch over and over: Star Trek, Monk, Lost, did I mention Star Trek?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Another Sydney Moment

So I had the tune to the cartoon movie Robin Hood stuck in my head this morning. Tanner always laughs when I whistle it, just like the start of the movie. This morning I was whistling it, and as soon as I was finished, Sydney said "Let's watch a movie!"

During dinner this evening, I still had the tune stuck in my head, so I told Lisa "Watch how easy it is to get Sydney to want a M-O-V-I-E" and proceeded to start whistling. As soon as I was done, Sydney said "whatever he's [me] trying to do, it isn't working."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Office

You've got to be excited for the next season of The Office. Hopefully they'll keep it clean this season.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beijing 2008 - Link to 4x100M mens free relay video

The Olympics have been really great this year. It's been fun following Michael Phelps, but just watching the high level of competition has been awesome. Swimming, beach volleyball, it's all been great. But you have to enjoy when the French say "The Americans? We're going to smash them. That's what we came here for." for the 4x100m free relay. Down by a full second on the last leg against the most vocal of the French, beating the world record by almost four seconds...

Enjoy the awesome replay here.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hiking Utah

Lisa and I just started a new Hiking/Backpacking (if you count backpacking the kids) blog (found here) for all our recent adventures. We’re hoping you’ll want to go hiking soon and join us. We’re looking to be up in at Brighton and Cecret Lake (yes…it’s stupidly spelled with a ‘C’), in the next two weeks. Hopefully you’re up for some fresh air and great exercise.

Let us know.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hiking galore

We love hiking! On Thursday we went with Lisa's parents up to Donut Falls in Big Cottonwood Canyon. We got a second backpack off Ebay a few weeks ago, and now backpacking Tanner and Natalie up the canyon is the excitement we had with Sydney. We went hiking again today up the Lake Blanche trail in Big Cottonwood and had such a great time. Sydney is a great hiker and the twins are really enjoying it. Nothing like fresh air, great exercise, and great company. Here are a few pics of our trips (some fuzzy from something on our camera lens):

Tanner and I

Grandpa loves giving Nanny flowers. She loves to eat them.

My pretty princess.

What a cutie!

The great scenery

The fam.

Where's my baby?

Sydney and I were hanging out today while Lisa and the twins were taking naps. She said "Daddy? I need some toys to play "My Baby" with. A few seconds must have passed while I searched my brain for what she was talking about. She put a stuffed cat and dog under her shirt, then pulled them out saying "My baby! My baby!". It clicked. Back when Lisa was pregnant with the twins, I'd hide Sydney's stuffed animals under my shirt and pretend to sleep. Then, *unsuspecting* Sydney would pull them out and say "My baby! My baby!" I'd run after her saying "Where's my baby!?!" It was such a fun time, as we'd play outside on the front lawn with a ball, and she'd grab it and run and I'd chase her down.

Later she took all the magnetic letters off the fridge, put them all in a line and would say "Dad? What does this spell?" Then we laugh at my inability to pronounce "zxymfrkqojtmdcalnw"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Lesson in Taxes

Just read the article and skip this fluff. Who's evil enough to think during this state of woes in the financial, construction, and real estate markets, that you raise your taxes on the businesses and "the rich" to help everyone else out? At some point soon they'll see all the businesses in their state have moved to states where they can afford to make a profit. Find other ways to make it work, besides making more businesses go bankrupt and cause more unemployment.

My favorite quote: "So in the face of one of the worst real-estate recessions in the state's history, the politicians want to raise taxes on businesses that are still making money."

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Hungry

Don't worry...nothing to report :) Seeing baby Noah (see this or this) made me remember how fun little babies are. It made me go looking for my kids' baby pictures. Lisa and I are pretty sure 4 is the magic number but it won't be happening for awhile. Here's some nostalgia:

Sydney, Natalie and Tanner (from left to right)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A little of this...a little of that

Cute smiles

My buddy

Not the best family picture, but hey...I doubt we'll get a nice one too often with these crazies.

The womenfolk (and yes. She's trying to eat a leaf.)

Lisa is over painting at her sister's house, so I had the kids tonight. We played pass and read books. No night would be a night with the kids without lots and lots of tickling. I think Tanner's third word was "tickle". But after the twins went to bed, and for a little bit with Sydney before she went off to bed, I watched Rudy on demand. It wouldn't be me if I didn't point out the language, but I've always liked this movie. There's nothing quite like a feel good movie that's cheesy without going over the top. It made me wonder about my dreams. Most have already come true, and if not for some really hard times, I wouldn't realize how great. All my dreams have to do with my family. The thing that really pumps me up is commentary from Sydney lately. On Monday night before Lisa got back from the American Idol concert, Sydney asked me "Daddy? What do you do if someone's not being nice to your friend?" I love how she wants my opinion and loves to tell me stories about baby dragon and girl baby dragon. I also love how she's concerned her friends and doing what's right. Last week, we were talking about her friends from preschool and primary, I asked her who her best friend was. She said me. It put a big smile on my face.

The twins have grown so quickly. Since they're not requiring as much attention lately and wanting to playing on their own (unless Nanny can see Lisa), it means more to me lately when they do want to play. Of course I need to learn to give them their space (I've unknowingly taught Sydney personal space is a myth...just ask Lisa), but Natalie is just a spitfire and Tanner is a snuggly bear. I'll have to record and blog asking Natalie if she likes tickles. She giggles to say 'yes'. She dances to Little Einstein. Her new thing to say is "Uhhhh...oh". Tanner has learned what things make me laugh (pretty much anything he does) and he does it over and over again so we can laugh together.

Teenage years can wait. Things just keep getting better.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hazy moon pics

First of all, these pictures don't do justice what the telescope can do. These are low res images from a pretty hazy evening. after long await and many promises of pictures to come, here they are. The first few times I went out with the webcam, it wasn't the best seeing (sounds like bad English, but that's what the technical term is). Tonight was still quite hazy, which you'll see if you watch the movie. Some of the stills are afocal with our little Canon. The movie and other stills with the Neximage (web cam that will do movies and/or stack images, etc). Hopefully these are the rough drafts with more to come. I didn't zoom in very far as it was hazy enough to get these unclear images, but alas, you've probably stopped reading and moved onto the pictures. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another Sydney Moment

So we're in the car, Sydney and the kids watching Robin Hood on the dvd player. Remember the part where Little John puts Sir Hiss in the keg of ale and he comes out later all drunk? Sydney says "Daddy...they put the snake in the juice box!". Is that what they call it now...

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Okay. It's warm enough, the kids are in bed, and it's the perfect time where Saturn is on it's way into the horizon and Jupiter is just on its way up. It's 10:30, Lisa's scrapbooking and I keep interrupting with "ooooo...hey Bean! Come look!" or "okay...last time...come check out Jupiter". Tonight was the first time in a few weeks I've been coherent after 10pm, and it was a great view tonight through the telescope. It wasn't collimated (the mirrors aligned perfectly), but it really got me excited to pull out the laser tomorrow for sharper images. 4 of Jupiters moons were visible and Jupiter itself was extremely gorgeous. This was the first time I've seen Saturn through a telescope, as it was only above the horizon during midday back in October and before there was snow :) Once I'm sure the telescope aka "water heater" (about the same size, thankfully lighter) is collimated, I'll bring the laptop and camera out to record Saturn and Jupiter and take some pics.

It'll also be fun when the moon is visible again during the 9 to midnight timeframe (dark enough yet coherent enough) to take some pics of it too. We're so blessed to have such a beautiful celestial object so close to us.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wii Fat?

Ok. I'm sure we'll get Wii Fit someday, but you've got to enjoy the winning combination of wit, sarcasm, and attempting to defeat the whole purpose of the thing.

Check this out

Friday, June 20, 2008

President Hinckley

I love hearing President Hinckley's voice again. There was nothing more comforting than hearing and feeling love from someone you trust, as well as someone human enough to share how he's feeling through humorous stories. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Movies 2008

Okay. It seems I'm always the last to see movies as we rent them when they come out instead of taking out a heloc (home equity line of credit) to go see it in theaters. Here's my list for this year (click the name to watch the trailer). Let me know if I'm missing any good ones.

The Dark Knight

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Twilight (for Lisa)

X-Files: I Want to Believe

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I've really appreciate this free service. Each month a new Skymap is created to describe what celestial objects are visible during the month with the naked eye, binoculars, or by telescope. The weather is perfect right now and it's not too late to take the kids out when it gets dark, lay out the blanket and pillows, and look up at the stars, galaxies, planets, and constellations.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Robot lie detector

Tommy was a chronic lier. You could always count on him to lie when in trouble. So his dad showed up one afternoon with a robot. "What is that?" his wife asked. "That's the newest thing. It's a Truth Robot. It can detect the slightest indication that a person is lying."

When Tommy showed up two-hours late for dinner that afternoon, his dad asked, "Where have you been? "Oh, a-a-a. . ," said Tommy, "several of us went over to the library to work on a project for extra credit."

Suddenly the lights on the Robot started blinking and it walked around the table and bopped Tommy on the head. His father explained that this Robot can detect even the slightest untruth.

"Now," said his dad, "where have you been?"

"We went to Bobby's house and watched a movie."

"What did you watch?" asked his mother.

"A-a-a . .The Ten Commandments." answered Tommy.

The Robot lighted up and bopped him on the head, again. Tommy could see he couldn't keep this up so he readily admitted, "We really watched a movie called, 'The Nympho Queen.'"

"I'm ashamed of you," said his dad. "When I was your age, I never lied to my parents."

Suddenly, the Robot lighted up, moved over to where the dad was and bopped him on the head.

The mother commented, "Well, you can't blame him then. After all, he is your son!" To which the Robot lighted up, walked over to the mother and bopped her on the head.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Old posts

First. Let me apologize for the 100 posts of the past. I was helping my dad learn how to use blogger and google reader, when I realized his google reader had cached data from my old blog ( that I deleted and have spent two months emailing back and forth with Google about trying to get back. Incidentally the blog was initially attached to a previous email address, which I've deleted, and they won't reinstate it. So, here's the sadness. At least I got 100 posts back (it was fun copying and pasting...let me tell you). I appreciate having these back, but wish I would have been smart enough not to delete my blogs (still missing my LDS Quotes blog), or that google would just save me time and LOTS of frustration (from my own stupidity).

You might notice I have 30+ entries on 5/23/07. It's just that I don't know the days those were posted as it's when my dad first used google reader (so all my previous entries shows downloaded on that day).

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Divorce sucks

A few weeks ago I found out a couple we used to hang out with quite a bit are getting divorced. It always stinks to find out stuff like this, but even worse when it's from cheating, etc. With two kids (3 and almost 1), at least the kids aren't comprehending the implications. Lisa and I have been extra kind to each other the past few weeks, being grateful for each other and making sure we are more careful with our marriage. For anyone who reads this, please treat your spouse extra nice today and deal with any issues you have so this doesn't turn out to be you.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Light Switches

So the most wonderful thing happened about a week or two ago, and I forgot to blog about it. When we moved into this house, there were several pairs of light switches that turn on/off the same light. The thing that threw off the emperor's groove was that the lights would be off if one was up and one was down. bothered me...a lot. Evidently not enough to turn off the power and spend the five minutes necessary to turn the switches upside-down. But now...yes...what you've all been waiting for...the light switches are all down and the lights are all off!!!

Oh come on. How many of you walk in the dark down the hallway just to have both light switches down to have the light off instead of having them both up?

Sealing rooms

Lisa and I made a trip to the temple yesterday (thanks mom and dad for watching the kids). How apropos, that I was listening to a talk today from President Hinckley given at BYU about the temple (back in 1965). How we assume others understand terms we use in the church. President Hinckley said after an open house for a soon-to-be-opened temple, several members of the press, etc. asked questions like "how long do you leave them in the sealing rooms?" and "how long do you wait after they die to baptize the dead?".

If that didn't make you laugh, he shared this story at the beginning of his talk:

"You've heard this story before, I think I told it here some years ago or some time ago - the young man who registered for a class and loafed along all quarter. And then came examination day. He came into the classroom and the teacher wrote the questions on the board and he picked up his pencil and looked at his paper and wrote at the top of the paper 'Lord of Hosts be with us yet, lest we forget, lest we forget.'

And then he scratched his head and tried to recall in vain the answers. And time was finally called and he scribbled at the bottom 'Lord of Hosts forsake us not. We have forgot, we have forgot'."

Life in my office

Well...there's soon to be another life in my office. No. Not another Moore Engineering employee. My first office plant - a Calathea. I was thinking I'd first start with something I can keep alive. Just to transplant to a nice pot and I'm ready to sit and watch for hours. More blogs to a few hours... (it's so beautiful...I can't help it....zzzzzt!)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks

Okay...last link to another blog for awhile. This is hilarious. It was a blog of note, so you might have already seen it. People send in pictures from all over of signs with unnecessary quotation marks. Check it'll get a good laugh.

Stuff White People Like

Okay...regardless of the title, it's a really funny, ironic read. Check out this really cool blog:

My favorite is #101: White People Love to Be Offended. Below is the start of this entry:

"To be offended is usually a rather unpleasant experience, one that can expose a person to intolerance, cultural misunderstandings, and even evoke the scars of the past. This is such an unpleasant experience that many people develop a thick skin and try to only be offended in the most egregious and awful situations. In many circumstances, they can allow smaller offenses to slip by as fighting them is a waste of time and energy. But white people, blessed with both time and energy, are not these kind of people. In fact there are few things white people love more than being offended.

Naturally, white people do not get offended by statements directed at white people. In fact, they don’t even have a problem making offensive statements about other white people (ask a white person about “flyover states”). As a rule, white people strongly prefer to get offended on behalf of other people."

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sydney and Mario Kart Wii

So for part of Mother's Day, I got Lisa Mario Kart Wii. We used to play Gauntlet on the Xbox together, and had a lot of fun, and we both miss those times. Anyway, so Sydney and I are playing while Lisa's at the grocery store and the babies are sleeping. I got hit by a red shell and Sydney exclaims "it's ok, partner!" She is hilarious. She keeps coming up with new phrases that just make me laugh. Or while she takes her kart into the water or lava she sings "IIIIII'm taking a baaaaaaath". Just random outbursts that really make my day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Moore Engineering Corporation

Well...the day has finally come. I've always been wary of starting my own company, just for the fact that most of my friends who've started a company, have had it go under in less than two years. Well, if someone you know needs software development, etc. give me a call.

Friday, May 2, 2008

My brain: a tangent in itself

Here are a few of the tangents my brain took lately:

East Seas

Tangent 1: I was home teaching, with my companion talking about some really good Chinese food he had recently, when I suddenly had a strong memory of eating Vietnamese eggrolls at East Seas. I haven't been there for at least 5 years, but I could just taste the goodness.

Tangent 2: When we left, I realized probably the last few times I was at East Seas, I was working for Microsoft.

Tangent 3: I recently had lunch with some old friends that I worked with at Microsoft.

Tangent 4: I remember talking to Okie about a game we used to play (Rogue Spear/Urban Ops).

Tangent 5: I remember a game we used to support while in testing (Under a Killing Moon), that I loved, even before working there.

Tangent 6: I remember how much I loved the music from that game.

Result: I now have a Tex Murphy ringtone. Thanks East Seas.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another Sydney moment

Lisa was calling tree removal companies to get bids on removing the stump of our apple tree. The person on the other end of the line said "do you have dogs?", but Lisa couldn't hear well, so repeated it to make sure she heard right. Lisa said "oh're safe to just walk into the backyard.". Sydney obliged with a rousing "but we have two cats!".

Monday, April 14, 2008


Well...Lisa was finished blogging a few hours after our return, so if you go here you'll see more pictures and the day to day account of the trip. I met a few strange people (as you'll see below), but otherwise we really enjoyed the company at our table, and spending a lot of quality time with my favorite and best friend Lisa.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

What's new with you?

As sacrament meeting ended, Lisa took Sydney and Tanner while I got the diaper back all packed up with Natalie and got ready to head to Sunday school. I looked right, looked down for the diaper bag, then did a double take. It was another fun time where an old friend was visiting for his sister's baby to be blessed. It seems so innocent to ask how things are, be so excited for the great things they're doing, have done, and who they've become. Inevitably, the question is "what's new with you?".

Well. Don't count this as a midlife crisis. I find my best blog entries (and sadly most ramblings) happen after 10pm.

If you want the short version, here's what I'd say if we weren't close:

1. Remodeled the kitchen. Cabinets, cupboards, floor, bannister/railing.

2. Tanner's starting to really crawl. Natalie doesn't seem to care. Daddy is close enough to anything she needs anyway.

3. We're going on a cruise of the caribbean the second week of April from a free trip we won through our realtor.

For those who want what's really going on, here's the long version. For those who I don't talk like this to, here's your chance you know what's really new lately.

1. Improving. Becoming.

It's been a great new year so far. Our family has become great at having Family Home Evening. I decided we should do it, be consistent with it, and we really have. I'm sad to say the most troublesome thing going around and around my head is that I want to be more consistent once I've changed for the better. Lots of irony in that. :) I've been better about exercising (keyword: better), reading the scriptures and getting more out of them, as well as just feeling progress in who I am and liking it a whole lot more. I'm finally realizing the main consistency I want in my life is to be constantly changing for the better.

2. Goals being accomplished

At the first of the year, I set some crazy goals (as every year) and stuck to a lot of them. I'm not getting the 1:1 time with the kids I wanted, but I'm spending some quality time. I've been doing better with reading my scriptures, better on temple attendance (still work to do), but have been doing much more around the house. I'm a hilarious oddity for so many reasons, and am learning more and more of them each year. For example, how many people do you know that start their new year's resolutions in September so they have it right for the new year? If it was so important to get it right, wouldn't you think you'd want to change immediately instead of waiting for a specific time of year to make major changes? I'm learning (and trying to unlearn) the ways I work around doing the things I really want done, but fail the courage, brainpower, or energy to do it right the first time. It's amazing how doing the right thing the first time really is the easiest thing to do.

3. Your wife is always right, even when she's not right

In general, this is good advice. I seem to only listen to what I want to hear, but I seem to be listening and hearing more lately. Lisa had a great observation a few days ago. I seem to need to worry about things. If I'm not worrying about something, I'm looking for something to worry about. I think about what people will say at my funeral. "Man...he was weird, but he sure loved his family." One of the kindest things God has even done for me is let me change a step and a time and not show me the long road behind or the long road ahead. Sadly I've realized how much I've taken Lisa for granted lately. She is amazing to do all the housework, take care of the kids, cook, pretty much everything minus getting paid. She's kind, loving, gently honest, and the best thing that ever happened to me.

These are the things that are new with me.

Friday, March 21, 2008

On the Mend

Well...after a rough day and a half of fever, flu, and pink eye, I'm on the mend. It's the first day I've taken a sick day for quite some time. We're wondering where we got it from (Lisa has pink eye too, but gratefully not the other two). Tanner had the same thing over a week ago, but we were told after a day of antibiotics it wasn't contageous, and that it wouldn't take a week for the symptoms to manifest themselves. The main thing is for everyone to be healthy in two weeks when we leave for the caribbean.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Scooby Doo: Where are you?

Good question. Why haven't I been blogging much, you ask? We've been redoing the kitchen cabinets, flooring, bannister/railing, Natalie had a double ear infection and one ruptured (she wasn't pulling her ears or anything), Tanner had an ear infection, pink eye, a fever for a few days, etc. The kids are all healthy now, but I'll continue blogging once the kitchen's done and I have something else to blog about.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

LDS Quotes've heard about my other blog. But here's the fun part: it's getting regular page views. At first this was all about a way to keep my favorite quotes in a good spot and a good reference for talks, lessons, etc. The reason for making it a blog is for others to enjoy the same, as well as get a good thought going through your head in the morning.'s some great feedback for me. I've posted (the equivalent of) every day since April 6th, 2007. Well...I'll miss four or five days, then post date the entries for when I have time. I really try to get one each day, but work's getting busier, we're totally redoing the kitchen, etc. Check this out (Google Analytics of

A few stats since Nov. 11 (when I started tracking using Google Analytics):
Visitors: 1015
Visits: 1184
Page views: 2512
Pages per visit: 2.12
Bounce rate: 60.92%
Avg. time on site: 1:47
% new visits: 85.39%

How the visitors found the site:
Search Engines: 999
Referring sites: 101
Direct traffic: 84

I like to see the upward trend (that and my retirement plan)! I've been reading The Miracle of Forgiveness and that's what I've been blogging lately. It's been good and bad. An understanding of where you failed and encouragement to become better, not dwell in the past.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mind games...literally

A company called Emotiv has developed some games that use brain waves to control gameplay. Imagine how your wrists and thumbs won't be hurting as much in the future. Check out the video here. It's been published in the Wall Street Journal, from GDC (Game Developer Conference), and more. Pretty cool, eh?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Where's the camera?

It's funny how often we take either too many pictures and not enjoy the moment or we're lacking a camera for a really great moment. Here's the transcript of the one I missed last night. Imagine this picture:

Last night the twins were on one side of the table, both in high chairs. Lisa on the opposite side and Sydney on the end. The babies were still hungry after eating through a ton of baby food, but don't like watching other people eat. Lisa breaks off a few pieces of bread and tosses them onto the high chair trays. Sydney starts joining in.

Lisa: "This is just like feeding the ducks."

Monday, February 4, 2008

Quote the Sydney: The Return

Sydney: Daddy? Baby has been playing with my make-up so she's in timeout.

Daddy: Oh......Ok.

(5 minutes later)

Sydney: Daddy? Baby isn't listening to me so she's in timeout again. Why won't she listen to me?

Daddy: How does it make you feel?

Sydney: Sad.(5 minutes later)

Sydney: Daddy? Baby won't listen to me. Daddy? You tell her she needs to listen to me.

Daddy: (trying to keep a straight face) Sure sweetie.

A New Day

One of the great examples in my life passed away January 27, President Gordon B. Hinckley. It was an amazing funeral, with the spirit strong confirming his example, our beliefs, etc. It's neat to see the new First Presidency, and know the mantle has passed. It's also neat to see the men with the weight of the church on such noble and spiritual shoulders with smiles on their faces. Click on the image to go to the article.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Date Night

Wow. Who is our favorite family? you're not supposed to have favorites, but after five hours of child-free, dinner and a movie (free from a Christmas present from them), free babysitting, etc. how can they not be your favorite?

Friday night, we took the kids up to Rich and Wende's while we went to see the new National Treasure (4 stars!) and eat at Z-Tejas afterwards. It was really odd not having at least one with us, as I haven't been very good lately at taking Lisa on dates without the kids. We are so grateful for the night off. Sydney had a ball with Ethan, jumping on couches and throwing pillows everywhere. They played in the toy room and Sydney just had a great time. The twins were mostly good, but every time I'd call to check up (after movie, after dinner) she said they were just fine, to relax, and enjoy it.

We had fun afterwards hanging out chatting about this and that, finally realizing the very tired eyes of the twins, and headed home around 9. What a great day.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Big changes, small changes

What makes a man? I've seen people I want to emulate, and I realize how strong my desires are to change to attain their attributes and also to be consistent. I think some of this is mostly 'change and stick to it', but I like to make small changes, as the need arises. Nothing tests this resolve like new year's resolutions. Lisa is always kind to help me try to reach my goals, yet honest. We had a good chat the other day about my heroic ideas of changing all that I want to at once, and trying to make it stick. She's a great example of consistency.

While I'm doing well on some, and struggling on others, I've found confidence and greater resolve in the act of frequent reevaluation. As I look at who I am and what I struggle with, a few constants seem to arise.

1. Anxiety

I think this is my biggest change over the past year or so. I feel so much freedom from anxiety. I felt better off having anxiety over being humble in order to keep from being my worst fear - prideful and haughty. Now I definitely have some pride issues, but that's another entry. Things that are really important to you will always get precedence whether you stress over them or not. The realization now is that with less stress I can spend that worry time enjoying making changes in my life and enjoying becoming who I want to be.

2. Procrastination

This has also been a good change at times, but I'm not consistent. I think this is my biggest struggle right now. I think it partly has to do with having so many things on my plate right now. I think the focus is to remove the unnecessary to make it easier to do what I need to. As with my new year's resolutions, if I put off reading my scriptures until after work, I find I won't get to it until I'm ready for bed. Hopefully removing this beast will lower my anxiety even more.

3. Self pity

And thus the devil's three step plan is complete. I have a memory for what I need to remember (names, phone numbers, etc). Sadly, this also includes a lot of (sometimes painful) memories of past stupidity that brings a quick hand to the forehead. I've noticed a lot less of this going on, and hopefully that's because I'm being smarter about my decisions as well as forgiving myself for past woes.

It's a blessing and a curse to see potential in yourself, but with improvement comes esteem. I've been looking at how to increase my short-term memory lately and have come the the conclusion my issue is confidence. When I'm confident, I remember almost everything I want to.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Family Home Evening

Short. Simple. Message. These are the three goals I'm starting to learn from Lisa to becoming a parent who can communicate with their children. Let me expound on that:

Josh's lesson a month ago:

I was explaining how our faith was like a seed (mustard seed, but since she probably didn't know what mustard was, I just went with 'seed'). I then told her how if we listen to Heavenly Father, our faith will grow.

Sydney's response: "...into a tree?"

Lisa's response: muffled giggles

Lisa's lesson last night:

Lisa explained how the Liahona helped Lehi and his family know where to go when they did what Heavenly Father told them to - it would tell them the right way to go. "Sydney. What does the Liahona do?"

Sydney's response: "point us in the way we should go."

Lisa's response: "and if we listen to Heavenly Father, he'll guide us too."

Josh's response: "Short. Simple. Message."

Monday, January 7, 2008

Early dividends

For Christmas, Lisa received a digital slr. Obviously it's starting to pay off. I'm sure a room will shortly be turning into a studio, but hopefully that doesn't mean I booted out of my office.

Sunday fun

The past few weeks we've been having a different family come over for dinner and/or games, and getting to know the ward better. It's really sad that it hasn't been family, as it's hard to ask family to drive 45 minutes south to enjoy meal and good company, packing up kids, missing bedtimes, etc. With the twins going to bed around 7/7:30 and Sydney at 8:15, we really can't get out, and feel bad asking others to trek to our place. It's really nice getting to know more families, making friends, and getting to know more people in the ward. We live in a really great ward, but feel amiss that we don't know very many people.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions 2008

I always wonder what it's like meeting me for the first time, or people starting to realize the strange way in which my mind works (or doesn't). Such will happen as you read this entry.

In the past, I've always started my new year's resolutions a week or two in advance (sometimes longer), in an attempt to fix problems in my plans to get things right on January 1. I'm tired of hearing about people who make and break resolutions so easily, or their resolution is to not make resolutions (already breaking their own resolution NOT to make resolutions). So in this mindset (or insanity), here are my resolutions, how I've done the past two weeks, and what helped/hindered. I don't think we ever accomplish goals unless we prevent or test our theories (I'm an excellent software tester - see why?). P.S. Thanks to Kevin Carter for the idea to post this year's resolutions. My goals are all about consistency, feeling that order, patterns, and such will provide less anxiety and more self esteem through setting and keeping goals.

As learned from the gospel, fix what bothers you the most. I'm always trying to fix things that I don't like about myself, but note there are a lot of things to fix (like my self esteem). I really like new years resolutions though, as it's a good time to take a crack at what's still bothering you from last year or new changes that need to be made. I think it was my dad, when Bishop, who told someone struggling to read the scriptures every day to call him every day they missed. He said he only had one phone call before they never wanted it to happen again. So aptly starts my list:

1. Read the scriptures daily. I haven't been perfect or near perfect at reading the scriptures daily. I didn't want to set a time limit or requirement, nor how much should be read. This isn't to say I can read a verse and call it good. My hope is that as I become more consistent the way in which my reading expands my understanding also could change the way I read.

Last week: 5/7.
So far this year: 2/2.

2. Stop biting my fingernails. It's sad...yes...I bite my fingernails. For two brief weeks this year I didn't bite my fingernails and they looked great and I felt less stressed. I think it was the week after I graduated and before the twins were born. Correlation? Maybe. The hardest part about this is it's something to stop, not something to do. If I put my scriptures where I see them, set my alarm, and get up to read, it's easier to get to it. Biting my fingernails out of anxiety is very hard to stop. No, I won't paint my fingernails. No, it's hard to type at work while wearing gloves. I think I'll need some comments on how to make this work.
Last week: 0/7.
So far this year: 0/2.

3. Monthly temple attendance. With Lisa feeding the twins, it has been hard choosing to make time for the temple each month. Sure, I'd like to go more, but my goal is this and I want to be consistent. We're hoping to go Saturday, with my parents watching the kids that afternoon. No stats yet this year, minus I've made calls to try to setup babysitting.

4. House projects. Well...this one is a bit harder to make as a goal. I want to do better, and want to be able to complete goals, not just do better. I will set aside four hours for working on house projects on Saturday, cleaning the house, etc. (whatever needs to be done). If more time is needed, we'll look at taking time off, or something else to make things work. My "prevent defense" on this one is to get Lisa to commit to The List of Projects, in order of priority, so I can prepare to do the work assigned. If she can help get the supplies beforehand, it'll greatly help things move faster.

5. Quality time. I'm sure it won't work this way every day, but this is how my goal lays out:

A. An hour with the three kids (mostly with the twins, as normally one needs to be held, plug inserted (binky), etc)
B. An hour with Sydney once the twins go to bed (depends on when the twins go to bed, not to keep Sydney up too late)
C. An hour with Lisa. If she wants to scrapbook instead, so be it.

I was browsing the web a few weeks ago to see how much time the average father spends with his children. I looked over statistics from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), and found it unhelpful. It didn't specify fathers working full time, approximate age of children, etc. My goal is to spend quality time with my family. For Lisa to get a break, I can't just spend time with one of the kids except for with Sydney after the twins have gone to bed or when they're taking a nap on Saturday. For now, here's my plan. If I get up at 6:00, read scriptures, lift weights, shave, shower, and eat, I should be ready to work at 7:15. If I'm done with work by 4:15/4:30, I can help with the kids while Lisa makes dinner, and then get to spend time with the kids until they go to bed. Then hopefully some one on one with Sydney until she goes to bed. Then time with Lisa.

As always, I'd love your feedback, tips on how to do these things better, as well as other resolutions you wished I'd have made ;)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Couches have arrived!

After quite the rough times (see earlier blog) RC Willey finally delivered our couches Monday. They need to be worked in a little, but they're great. The question is how long I'll have to wait before going back into that store and expecting "Customer Service".