Sunday, March 30, 2008

What's new with you?

As sacrament meeting ended, Lisa took Sydney and Tanner while I got the diaper back all packed up with Natalie and got ready to head to Sunday school. I looked right, looked down for the diaper bag, then did a double take. It was another fun time where an old friend was visiting for his sister's baby to be blessed. It seems so innocent to ask how things are, be so excited for the great things they're doing, have done, and who they've become. Inevitably, the question is "what's new with you?".

Well. Don't count this as a midlife crisis. I find my best blog entries (and sadly most ramblings) happen after 10pm.

If you want the short version, here's what I'd say if we weren't close:

1. Remodeled the kitchen. Cabinets, cupboards, floor, bannister/railing.

2. Tanner's starting to really crawl. Natalie doesn't seem to care. Daddy is close enough to anything she needs anyway.

3. We're going on a cruise of the caribbean the second week of April from a free trip we won through our realtor.

For those who want what's really going on, here's the long version. For those who I don't talk like this to, here's your chance you know what's really new lately.

1. Improving. Becoming.

It's been a great new year so far. Our family has become great at having Family Home Evening. I decided we should do it, be consistent with it, and we really have. I'm sad to say the most troublesome thing going around and around my head is that I want to be more consistent once I've changed for the better. Lots of irony in that. :) I've been better about exercising (keyword: better), reading the scriptures and getting more out of them, as well as just feeling progress in who I am and liking it a whole lot more. I'm finally realizing the main consistency I want in my life is to be constantly changing for the better.

2. Goals being accomplished

At the first of the year, I set some crazy goals (as every year) and stuck to a lot of them. I'm not getting the 1:1 time with the kids I wanted, but I'm spending some quality time. I've been doing better with reading my scriptures, better on temple attendance (still work to do), but have been doing much more around the house. I'm a hilarious oddity for so many reasons, and am learning more and more of them each year. For example, how many people do you know that start their new year's resolutions in September so they have it right for the new year? If it was so important to get it right, wouldn't you think you'd want to change immediately instead of waiting for a specific time of year to make major changes? I'm learning (and trying to unlearn) the ways I work around doing the things I really want done, but fail the courage, brainpower, or energy to do it right the first time. It's amazing how doing the right thing the first time really is the easiest thing to do.

3. Your wife is always right, even when she's not right

In general, this is good advice. I seem to only listen to what I want to hear, but I seem to be listening and hearing more lately. Lisa had a great observation a few days ago. I seem to need to worry about things. If I'm not worrying about something, I'm looking for something to worry about. I think about what people will say at my funeral. "Man...he was weird, but he sure loved his family." One of the kindest things God has even done for me is let me change a step and a time and not show me the long road behind or the long road ahead. Sadly I've realized how much I've taken Lisa for granted lately. She is amazing to do all the housework, take care of the kids, cook, pretty much everything minus getting paid. She's kind, loving, gently honest, and the best thing that ever happened to me.

These are the things that are new with me.

Friday, March 21, 2008

On the Mend

Well...after a rough day and a half of fever, flu, and pink eye, I'm on the mend. It's the first day I've taken a sick day for quite some time. We're wondering where we got it from (Lisa has pink eye too, but gratefully not the other two). Tanner had the same thing over a week ago, but we were told after a day of antibiotics it wasn't contageous, and that it wouldn't take a week for the symptoms to manifest themselves. The main thing is for everyone to be healthy in two weeks when we leave for the caribbean.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Scooby Doo: Where are you?

Good question. Why haven't I been blogging much, you ask? We've been redoing the kitchen cabinets, flooring, bannister/railing, Natalie had a double ear infection and one ruptured (she wasn't pulling her ears or anything), Tanner had an ear infection, pink eye, a fever for a few days, etc. The kids are all healthy now, but I'll continue blogging once the kitchen's done and I have something else to blog about.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

LDS Quotes've heard about my other blog. But here's the fun part: it's getting regular page views. At first this was all about a way to keep my favorite quotes in a good spot and a good reference for talks, lessons, etc. The reason for making it a blog is for others to enjoy the same, as well as get a good thought going through your head in the morning.'s some great feedback for me. I've posted (the equivalent of) every day since April 6th, 2007. Well...I'll miss four or five days, then post date the entries for when I have time. I really try to get one each day, but work's getting busier, we're totally redoing the kitchen, etc. Check this out (Google Analytics of

A few stats since Nov. 11 (when I started tracking using Google Analytics):
Visitors: 1015
Visits: 1184
Page views: 2512
Pages per visit: 2.12
Bounce rate: 60.92%
Avg. time on site: 1:47
% new visits: 85.39%

How the visitors found the site:
Search Engines: 999
Referring sites: 101
Direct traffic: 84

I like to see the upward trend (that and my retirement plan)! I've been reading The Miracle of Forgiveness and that's what I've been blogging lately. It's been good and bad. An understanding of where you failed and encouragement to become better, not dwell in the past.