Sunday, August 17, 2008

Another Sydney Moment

So I had the tune to the cartoon movie Robin Hood stuck in my head this morning. Tanner always laughs when I whistle it, just like the start of the movie. This morning I was whistling it, and as soon as I was finished, Sydney said "Let's watch a movie!"

During dinner this evening, I still had the tune stuck in my head, so I told Lisa "Watch how easy it is to get Sydney to want a M-O-V-I-E" and proceeded to start whistling. As soon as I was done, Sydney said "whatever he's [me] trying to do, it isn't working."


dterryphotography said...

I'm guessing that in about 10 years, after all your tricks are known, you're gonna be in teenage trouble.... lol

Anonymous said...

Oh, funny girl! Keep those Sydney moments coming!