Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lisa's ultrasound

I was sure it was twins, but alas the first ultrasound Lisa had (just the doctor checking the heartbeat and that it was moving), only one heartbeat. Well, for those who can remember, I was sure Sydney was a girl even before the ultrasound. I was just sure it was twins, but figured I'd loss the prowess :)

Then again... :) We arrived at the hospital, and sure enough, there was a head on this side of the ultrasound and a head on the other side. Lisa's due with twins (a boy and a girl), to deliver at 38 weeks (if she lasts that long) around the third or fourth week of May.

Despite the fact I still can't stop shaking being so excited and nervous, though I'm not the one who gets to breastfeed. Lisa will probably stop teaching piano around March or April, and is unsure whether she will continue or not afterwards.

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