Thursday, November 29, 2007


Since October 8th I've been writing in a personal journal. I have an Outlook reminder each morning to remind me (it's been two months and I still need it). I added it up, I'm 34/53 days, but considering before this, I wrote 8 days in my life, it's definitely an increase. I'm up to 14 pages. I was surprised how much I had forgotten things that happened just a week ago, much less a month and a half ago.

Here are a few highlights from the past two months (in order of occurance):

1. Sharing the Book of Mormon with a good friend.

2. My new telescope. ('s cold outside)

3. Hero week on this blog.

4. Getting donuts from Macey's with Sydney, who loves the car carts.

5. Thanksgiving Point with Mo, and standing in line for 45 minutes for a pretty weak train.

6. TV and cable modem go POOF.

7. Personal revelation.

8. Halloween excitement.

9. Friends lunches.

10. Microsoft interviews.

11. Star gazing with Sydney.

12. Macaroni Grill and Bourne Ultimatum with Lisa.

13. Rachel's pregnant!

14. My parents came home from their mission!

15. Jazz game with Matt.How many things can you remember from the past two months?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Jazz Game

On Friday afternoon, I got a call from my brother-in-law Matt Fankhauser. He said they had an extra ticket to the Jazz game that night and wondered if I wanted to go. I haven't been to a Jazz game in ten years, but that's definitely not from the lack of wanting. I was thrilled and Lisa was kind enough to take the kids for the evening. She took the kids out to her parents' house and had pie. The game was awesome. We were on the 11th row ($130 tickets)! Despite being down by five most of the first half, the end of the first half gave them a lot of confidence and pulled within one. They opened the second half with a 16-1 run and ended up winning by thirty.

Since we only get the very basic cable package, we don't get FSN-Utah, Versus, or anything other than KJZZ to watch the games. It was a great time at the game, and fun to spend a little time with Matt - we rarely get together other than family activities.

Thanks again Matt!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was great! We had a few times of the kids getting up throughout the night because their shots were hurting (vaccines yesterday), but they seem to be adapting well. We went up to Matt and Ann’s around 11:30, had some appetizers watched a little football, and spent some quality time catching up and having a lot of laughs. Mom and Dad were so great. They each would trade off with each of the grandchildren. When Sydney first saw Grandma Moore, she gave her a big hug and wrapped her feet around Grandma’s waist, and just snuggled for a few minutes. She had that “I’ve really missed you” look on her face – it was so sweet. It was so great seeing Sydney with Grandpa Moore, always his little shadow. Whenever she was more than five feet away, she would come up to me and whisper “I want Grandpa Moore”. Tanner was just cooing while being held by Grandma Moore. He only snuggles Lisa and grandmas that way. Our family has been so blessed by their mission, and it continues with their presence in our family. The meal was wonderful (we forgot to bring the veggie tray, just the other stuff), but we all enjoyed time together as a family. Dad and Mom, Rich’s family, Matt’s family, and our family were there for most of the day, with Nate’s family coming up for pie later (spent Thanksgiving with her family).

It's hard to say what was best, as the food was awesome! It was neat to see Ally getting in on the cooking, but Wende made stuffed mushrooms (Jenny's recipe) and man, those are delicious. Despite the attempts to continue stuffing ourselves, we couldn't help but pause to keep saying how great the food was. Hopefully Wende will post pictures of the stuffed mushrooms and our fun day.

Hope your Thanksgiving went as well.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

They're home!!!

After a long seventeen years (okay, a year and a half), my parents have arrived home safely from the Uganda Kampala Mission. Sydney has been so excited for their return, carrying their picture around the house with her. When my parents left, Sydney was in an extremely shy stage, so they weren't expecting Sydney to run up and give them big hugs. We had a fun night catching up with my family, and are excited to spend Thanksgiving with them. It was so hard to leave their home last night, despite it being an hour past the kids bedtime, but after my parents 8 hour flight from Kampala to Entebbe, then yesterday's flight from Entebbe to Salt Lake City (via Chicago), I can't believe they were still awake.

What a blessing to have them home safe. Hopefully they'll have a few days to adjust before we overwhelm them with stuff to do together.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Acmed the dead terrorist

I apologize in advance for a few expletives...and for your tears of laughter. Thanks to Kevin Carter

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


No. It's not a drug. If you frequently read any blogs, hopefully you're using an RSS feed reader to notify you of new content. Your local list of RSS feeds are stored as a group in an OPML file (or at least can be imported or exported that way).

What does your OPML contain? Me? Here are my main groups:



Comics (Dilbert!)

Family (Lisa, sister in laws)

Friends (Kevin Carter, Chris Okelberry, Trent Himes)

Politics (USA Today, Washington Post)

Sports (Jazz, Avalanche)

Sure, most of what I see I skim through quickly, but a few I always read straight through. How could you miss entries like this?

What does your OPML say about you?

Taking a hobby to an extreme?

How cool would this be? Sure, the images are free from NASA and the hubble telescope, but $30 for the frame as well as printing costs.'d be pretty sweet assuming you chose a sweet image, etc.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Yard work

Is anyone excited by yard work (except when it's done)? :) A few weeks ago, we borrowed the neighbor's chainsaw and sawed down most of the crazy apple tree (odd, misshapen). This morning, it was nice weather so Sydney and I went out to go cleanup all the leftover apples, and (I) cut up the branches. It was a lot of fun singing the alphabet song, the theme song to "Super Why", counting to 15, counting backwards from 10, and just having a ball with Sydney. We're really been growing closer together and getting stuff done at the same time. I feel bad lately that to get work done on Saturday, Sydney and I spend time together while we do projects, and Lisa and the twins don't get as much time. However Saturday afternoons I've been spending with the twins, where the football game is on, but it's like it's just the radio, as we're playing, tickling, putting binkies back in, etc.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Astronomy excitement

On Monday for family home evening we took two blankets, two pillows, and an astronomy guide called Night Watch out on the front lawn to get more acquainted with constellations. Sydney was so thrilled that the book showed on one page an image of the night sky and on the other, connect-the-dot-ish constellations. She was even more thrilled when she realized that they "matched" the actual night sky. It was a lot of fun to spend quality time with Sydney, and Lisa read a little bit with us once we came back inside.

So tonight after dinner, Sydney looked over at me on her way to the front door informing me she was going out front to look at the moon. She is such a cutie! She knows daddy too well. Sadly it's a new moon, so it wasn't visible. We went out to look at the stars again like Monday, then got out "huge telescope" and looked at some really sweet stuff (galaxies, star clusters, etc). To keep a log of what I view astronomically, and soon to add images, I created my third blog. It has been so much fun to share a common hobby with Sydney other than the love of tickling, reading books, and good flicks like "Cars", "Toy Story 2", and "Curious George".

Monday, November 5, 2007


About three weeks ago, I was browsing LinkedIn to check for any new contacts I knew. I noticed one of advertisements included a job opportunity at Microsoft for an SDET. It really peaked my interest, so I submitted my resume, traded a few emails with the hiring manager, and before I knew it, I had an email setting up my interviews at Microsoft. Being really comfortable with my current job, co-workers, pay, etc. I was comforted that if it wasn't what I was looking for or if they were looking for someone else, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Thursday, I flew up to Washington, catching up on some reading I've been slowing been doing. I frequently try to get time in to read my dev and testing books (Lisa calls them my 'geek books'), but normally other things come first. Anyway, the flight was nice to get some reading in, as well as after dinner.

Friday morning, I worked out, showered, and did a bit more reading before heading up for my interviews. I first met with the recruiter, who was kind and helpful in understanding the position, who I would interview with, etc. I was really excited to see what team and project I would be working on, but obviously won't be discussing it (NDA). She sent me to my first interview, and I sat waiting, getting more nervous as the seconds went by. My first interview went horrible, as my knees were knocking, the worst part being either I looked like an idiot and apologized for my nerves, or the fact that I thought I wouldn't be nervous and was mad at myself.

I felt the second interview went pretty well, as we ate some hot clam chowder that really calmed my nerves before getting into the actual interview. The test and dev scenarios I felt I demonstrated good answers for, and was passed to the third interviewer. He was very kind as we discussed my past positions, etc. During my meeting with the recruiter, she mentioned if I made it past my third interview, it was a really good sign. So after the third interview seemed to be iffy, I asked how I could improve by what he had seen and heard, and we discussed a few items (including my frequent apologies), after which he asked me to wait while he went to speak with his boss (my fourth interview).

That interview I felt went well. After that concluded, I went back to speak with the recruiter, and was on my way back to the hotel. The flight back was nice and calm, minus the fact by this point my voice was almost gone. We'll see if they want me and are willing to make it worth my while to relocate me to Washington. If I would have been less nervous and ready to go on the first interview, I'd feel it was more likely, but we'll see. There are other issues to deal with like selling the house, finding new residence, etc., but that's for thinking about after I hear back.